Your beautiful Stories, Goals and Ambitions are the inspiration for our Tailor-made Retreats
As Team, founders and creators of Arte dell’ Anima we have a holistic approach to the work we do. We will gladly welcome you to our own rural location for a Tailor-made Retreat
We have been working for over 30 years involved and result oriented with people who hit an emotional wall in their personal or professional life
We cannot remain on the sidelines if you fully commit
As a Team, we closely collaborate on the basis of a Systemic total concept and do so with humor, moxie, compassion and great confidence in your unlimited possibilities for growth.
And we gladly commit to this, using our personality, expertise and experience.
Part of our expertise is to reduce complex matters to their essence and simplicity.
We can do this, because we are making holistic and integrated use of a big toolbox, filled with therapeutic and coaching techniques.
And through the use of language and images that will touch one’s heart and soul ,you will perceive the solution and experience the change.
“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
Nelson Mandela
Ewoud Dekker
“De beste coaching is zowel een kunde als een kunst.”
Ewoud is bevlogen over zijn werk, betrokken bij elke cliënt en creatief in zijn werkwijze. Een oprecht luisteraar naar het unieke en authentieke verhaal dat ieder mens in zich draagt.
Een bezield verhalenverteller. Door zonder schroom en met volkomen vertrouwen in jouw verhaal te stappen, vangt hij snel de essentie
waar je vraag om draait en de oplossing ligt.
En ziet wie je wezenlijk bent.
drs. Ewoud Dekker, oprichter en eigenaar van Arte dell’ Anima
Senior 4D-Systeem Coach, psycholoog en trainer.
Marian de Neef
“De kunst van het leven is om moeilijkheden om te zetten in mogelijkheden.”
Marian ziet het leven als een reis waarin het belangrijk is jezelf te leren kennen en ontwikkelen. Ze neemt nooit genoegen met “het kan niet”.
In het werk is haar commitment aan jouw vraag en doelstelling optimaal.
Marian brengt snel, met expertise en compassie, complexe problemen tot de kern en eenvoud terug.
En biedt daarbij altijd een passende oplossing.
Marian Dekker-de Neef, oprichter en eigenaar Arte dell’ Anima
Hypnose Regressietherapeut, Voice-dialogue Coach en Trainer
We bieden een oplossing, ook als eerdere therapie of coaching onvoldoende resultaat bood
We regularly welcome guests who felt that previous therapy or coaching lacked perception and understanding or where the approach was insufficiently successful. In that case, in particular, we can often offer an “out of the box” solution.
After all, a permanent change takes place in your head, heart and soul. For this reason we make holistic and creative use of our wide range of therapeutic and coaching techniques
Which is a unique and innovative concept.
Through these we offer a unique 4D total concept
In 30 years our knowledge and experience have matured just like good wine.
You will spend a number of days in the embracing atmosphere of our center as a welcome guest. This atmosphere is a very important element for experiencing space, stillness, comfort and privacy.
The therapy and coaching will help reduce any symptoms and do away with problems. The retreat as a whole, will give you a sense of depth, meaning and vitality.
The combination of all the above results in a special approach that actually helps you perceive the appropriate solution and experience the change you are going through.
We do our work with humor, moxie, compassion and confidence in your unlimited possibilities for growth. And gladly commit to this, using our personality, expertise and experience.
Complex matters will be reduced to their essence and simplicity in a language and with images that will touch one’s heart and soul.
Arte dell’ Anima Accommodation
We will gladly welcome you as guests to our own “Oldambster” farmhouse dating from 1846. Here you will find all the Comfort, Stillness, Space and Privacy you need to achieve the best results your Retreat could offer you. Experience the warm ambiance of our unique Center for Retreats with Exclusive Therapy & Coaching
Burnout Retreat
Opnieuw vooruit door even stil te staan.
Neem afscheid van je blauwdruk voor burnout en beleef weer Ruimte, Energie en Vrijheid