Arte dell' Anima - Blogs & Articles
Change your Story and you will change the World
On this page you will find articles about burnout, relationship issues, and mourning
and general topics related to our work.
By understanding your unique burnout and stress blueprint, you will know what you can do to live authentically
To say goodbye to your burnout for good, it is important to understand the source factors. Besides a physical DNA, there is also a systemic DNA. Both profiles are completely unique, there is only one person...
Poem: You got lost in the lines of your head
You got lost in the lines of your head I hang on your lips when you tell stories, like the morning it snowed, you got lost in the lines of your head and the sun came up. Then you're an oak tree dropping its leaves because kissing the ground is so...
Relationship problems follow you wherever you go
Enter the other's perception without inhibitionsRelationship problems are quite radical, they make you feel insecure and follow you wherever you goSometimes you lose sight of each other and your connection. In a relationship you want to be together as partners, feel...
Tailormade Retreats with senior therapy & coaching
New times call for a new approach to coaching and therapy.New times call for a new approach to coaching and therapy. Insights, solutions and tools for personal issues must fit today's pace and colour. No over a long...
Relationship problems are quite radical, they make you feel insecure and follow you wherever you go
Relationship problems are quite radical, they make you feel insecure and follow you wherever you go Sometimes you lose sight of each other and your connection. In a relationship you want to be together as partners, feel connected, grow together while preserving your individuality. It sounds so easy, but it often proves more difficult in practice...
The ideal relationship, this is how the light floods in
Ring the clocks that can still ring Forget about the perfect gift Everything has a crack This is how the light floods in Leonard Cohen. The gift of imperfection We are all looking for the ideal relationship. That one partner who will fulfill us, who understands us, touches us,...
From being under strain to a burnout
At a quarter of your life. Your head filled with possibilities, expectations, choices, opportunities, career. As well as missed opportunities, lost loves and goals not achieved. What is new? It's been this way for ages. Look in life's mouth and jump.
Relationship problems, find the differences in communicating
Relationship problems, find the differences in communication How do we look? What do we see? How is it possible that when we look at the same picture, we don't see the same thing? The image we see changes in the person looking. It is not a different...
Dealing with grief and loss. Blog
The unique experience of grieving We no longer live with death. Nor with those who have died. They are not part of our daily existence. We live now, and death is for later. There are fewer and fewer rituals by which we remember loved ones who have died...
Arte dell 'Anima is a specialised Centre for High Level Systemic Retreats. Each retreat is exclusive just for you so that it
fits like a tailored Italian suit.
Burnout Retreat
Say goodbye to your burnout blueprint and again experience the feeling of Space, Energy and Freedom