Arte dell' Anima - Blogs & Articles

Change your Story and you will change the World

On this page you will find articles about burnout, relationship issues, and mourning
and general topics related to our work.


From being under strain to a burnout

From being under strain to a burnout

At a quarter of your life. Your head filled with possibilities, expectations, choices, opportunities, career. As well as missed opportunities, lost loves and goals not achieved. What is new? It's been this way for ages. Look in life's mouth and jump.

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Arte dell 'Anima is a specialised Centre for High Level Systemic Retreats. Each retreat is exclusive just for you so that it
fits like a tailored Italian suit.

Burnout Retreat

Again moving ahead by briefly standing still.
Say goodbye to your burnout blueprint and again experience the feeling of Space, Energy and Freedom

Relationship Retreat

Three days as the welcomed guest of the best senior experts in solving relational problems will definitely help your relationship move forward.

Personal Retreat

Certain events in your current or past life can cause you to hit a wall. A Personal Retreat can enrich your life and give it direction.

Grief & loss Retreat

Dealing with a loss takes time and a lot of loving attention.We are senior experts in understanding those who are going through a mourning process help you to move on
Are you interested in our retreats, or do you have a personal question? We are happy to respond to them. Send a whats-app message to Arte dell' Anima. Ewoud Dekker will get back to you as soon as possible.