Arte dell' Anima - Blogs & Articles
Change your Story and you Change the World
On this page you will find articles on burnout, relationship issues, grief counselling
and general topics related to our work.
By understanding your unique burnout and stress blueprint, you will know what you can do to live authentically
To say goodbye to your burnout for good, it is important to understand the origins and unique...
Poem: You got lost in the lines of your head
Je verdwaalde in de lijnen van je hoofd Ik hang aan je lippen als je verhalen verteld, zoals de ochtenddat het...
Relationship problems follow you wherever you go
Enter the other's perception without inhibitionsRelationship problems are quite radical, they make you feel insecure...
Tailormade Retreats with senior therapy & coaching
Nieuwe tijden vragen om een nieuwe visie op coaching en therapie.Nieuwe tijden vragen om een nieuwe benadering van...
Relationship problems are quite radical, they make you feel insecure and follow you wherever you go
Relatieproblemen zijn ingrijpend , ze maken onzeker en laten je niet losSoms raak je elkaar zoek en de verbinding...
The ideal relationship, this is how the light floods in
Luid de klokken die nog kunnen luiden Vergeet de volmaakte gift Alles heeft een barst Zo valt het licht binnen Leonard...
From being under strain to a burnout
At a quarter of your life. Your head filled with possibilities, expectations, choices, opportunities, career. As well as missed opportunities, lost loves and goals not achieved. What is new? It's been this way for ages. Look in life's mouth and jump.
Relationship problems, find the differences in communicating
Relatieproblemen, zoek de verschillen in communicatie Hoe kijken we? Wat zien...
Dealing with grief and loss. Blog
De unieke beleving van een rouwproces We leven niet meer met de dood. En evenmin met de gestorvenen. Ze maken geen...
Arte dell' Anima is a specialized Centre for High Level Systemic Retreats. Each Retreat is put together especially for your goals, so that it is personalized like an Italian tailor-made suit.
Burnout Retreat
Again moving ahead by briefly standing still.
Say goodbye to your burnout blueprint and again experience the feeling of Space, Energy and Freedom
Personal Retreat
Because of some events in your life now, or past, you can get stagnated. A Personal Retreat can greatly enrich you and shape clearity according your personal goals
Grief & Loss Retreat
If the feeling of Grief & loss is only growing and it is difficult or impossible to move forward you might consider professional help, also after many years
Couples Retreat
Spending three days as a welcome guest of the senior experts in solving relationship problems will certainly help your relationship to move a big step forward.