Tailormade Retreats with senior therapy & coaching

New times call for a new understanding of counselling and therapy.

Insights, answers, solutions and and tools for personal challenges must be in tune with today's speed and colours.

No sessions spread over a long period of time, but an intensive and fast-acting approach. This requires the right expertise and experience, inspiration, creativity and courage.

It requires an independent and innovative vision, out-of-the-box thinking and way of working . Especially these days, there is much need for innovation.

This is why we developed our systemic therapeutic Retreats®, which we see as our Grand Cru's or Super Tuscan's. In them, we combine 4D-Systeemtherapy® therapy and coaching with the deepening of a retreat.

When to consider a 5- Days VIP Retreat

Our Tailor-made Retreats are highly suitable if you recognize any of the issues following:

  • You have a (complex) individual,relational or professional problem and want to invest in a thorough and durable solution in a short-term and intensive trajectory.
  • For these symptoms and problems, you want coaching or therapy from senior experts, guaranteeing you first-class results.
  • You may have already gone through several processes, but despite gaining cognitive insight, the desired transformation fails to occur.
  • So how would it feel to spend a few days away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in a 5-day retreat to receive exclusive attention to the problems and issues that concern you?


Personal, Exclusive & Tailormade Retreats

We regularly welcome people, who have felt insufficiently seen or understood in a previous therapy or coaching. Or for whom the followed methodology did not produce sufficient results. Especially then, we can offer solutions.

We are experts in detecting very quickly the deeper cause of complaints and the core of stagnation in your life and personal development. We understand the art of transforming energy lost in complaints and stagnation into strength and positive energy. A flow that takes you forward.

After all, everything starts with experiencing space to breath. So does seeing the solution and experiencing the change.

  • Each personal or professional VIP Retreat is customized to your needs and requirements
  • To ensure the quality of our work, we limit the number of attending guests per individual retreat to 3 people.
  • The programs for our retreats are exclusive, customized and you counsel on a one-to-one basis.
  • The meals we serve are from conviction ,organic and vegetarian.
  • Our rooms are very spacious and comfortable and have their own bathroom and toilet. There is a Wi-Fi connection.

Everything starts with Space

Our relationshiptherapy and coaching will help you to reduce the symptoms and solve the systemic blueprint of your problems.
A retreat with Arte dell' Anima brings you depth, meaning, inspiration.

We guarantee you sustainable results in a few days, which take months in other trajectories.

  • Our relationshiptherapy and coaching will help you to reduce the symptoms and solve the systemic blueprint of your problems.
    A retreat with Arte dell' Anima brings you depth, meaning, inspiration.
  • A retreat with senior therapy for couples creates the special enviremont in which you perceive the appropriate solution and experience lived through change.
  • By spending a few days at our centre, you will remain in the process of relation transformation, accomplishing more than you think is imaginable in a relatively short time.
  • You can choose a 3-day or 5-day retreat. Besides your own preference, we can advise on this in view of your personal demand and circumstances. 

If you want successful and lasting change, only 

a different mindset is not enough. 

Change your inner story and you are transforming the outer world

If you want successful and lasting change, just changing your mindset is not enough. It will not last. Your feelings, emotions, relationship with your environment or beliefs can undermine your new and positive thoughts.

What you need is for your feelings, your environment and your beliefs to change in equal pace with you. That combination builds a solid foundation and brings head, heart, body and soul into harmony and balance.

The System Coaching we have developed works with the blueprint of your stories, beliefs, cognitions and emotions.
That blueprint is as specific as your fingerprint. Our expertise is to make exactly the right and decisive change to your blueprint.
This gives lasting improvement on the four essential dimensions of your life.


Get to know your unique blueprint better in a Retreat

Burnout Retreat

Again moving ahead by briefly standing still.
Say goodbye to your blueprint for burnout and experience Space, Energy and Freedom again

Couples Retreat

3 Days of welcome to be a guest of the senior experts in solving relationship problems is guaranteed to help your relationship take a big step forward.

Personal Retreat

Because of some events in your life now, or past, you can get stagnated. A Personal Retreat can greatly enrich you and shape clearity according your personal goals

Grief & Loss Retreat

A LOSS REQUIRES TIME AND PROCESSING If the feeling of loss only increases and it is hard to pick up your life and move on, it couldn't hurt to seek professional help.

Ewoud Dekker MSc.

Ewoud Dekker MSc., Co founder and owner of Arte dell' Anima
Psychotherapeut, GZ-psycholoog (BIG) Senior 4D-Systeem Coach.


Marian de Neef

Marian Dekker-de Neef, co founder and owner Arte dell' Anima
Hypnosis Regression Therapist, Voice-dialogue Coach and Trainer


We work with humor, guts, compassion and trust

in your unlimited possibilities for growth.

We fully deploy our personality, expertise and experience.

We bring complex issues back to their essence and simplicity,

in language and images that touch your head, heart and soul. 


Dealing with grief and loss.  Blog

Dealing with grief and loss. Blog

The unique experience of a grieving process

We no longer live with death. Nor with those who have died. They are not part of our daily existence. We live now, and death is for later. There are fewer and fewer rituals, by which we stay attached to loved ones who have died. And so we no longer know how to deal with loss.
If we exist only with our body, our voice, eyes, hands, then we disappear when we die. Out of sight and out of mind.
Because when we exist in someone's thoughts, experience and memory, we remain alive.
And of course, when a loved one dies, the loss is sometimes unbearable. We can no longer hear the voice, no longer look each other in the eye, no longer touch each other.
Yet that is the very difficult challenge we are going to endure.

Besides, everyone grieves in a completely unique way that fits your inner world, which is as unique as your DNA. It is therefore perfectly normal that the way you bonded with someone is similar to how you may or may not be able to let go of the bond after death.

And yet there is one similarity between everyone in mourning.
For that, we need to go back to the origins of how we are connected.

Out of sight is not out of mind

Imagine a child playing on the beach. It is so absorbed in its play that it loses sight of its parents. Suddenly, it panics. It looks around and does not see the parents. Once found, it has to be taken care of, comforted. And then it goes back and - almost magically - it no longer feels alone. Like a camera swallows a photograph, we humans swallow. And store them in our inner world. So we can be alone, without feeling alone - the miracle of introjection. Animals are good at it too; I see it in my dogs.
When a loved one disappears completely from our lives due to death, the loss is unbearable. When all is well, however, the person does not disappear from our inner world. Out of sight is not out of mind

We die twice

It's like this. You die twice. The first time physically, you pass out of life and time. The second time, when nobody thinks of you anymore and you no longer feel. So too, as bereaved people, we keep the deceased in our lives.

Being alone without feeling alone

Ean number of years back, I spoke to a woman whose husband had died seven years earlier. She faithfully visited his grave three times a week. She sat on a bench, ate her bread and talked to her husband. There she met a woman whose husband had also died. A close friendship developed. They decided to go on holiday together. A few days before leaving, the woman panicked; she could not abandon her husband. Finally, the solution came. She took the picture that was on the grave with her, so she could eat her bread and talk to him. Just like before, on holidays when he was alive. There was one moment of distress, when she lost her husband in the middle of the night. The photograph was untraceable. She found it at the bottom of her suitcase, wrapped in the shirt he liked to wear. With finding the photo her husband, the world was right again.

The world is not right, when the people around you, after a few months, don't talk about the one who has died. And feel that you should slowly say goodbye and move on with your life. It is unnatural, because someone lives in you. That bond is only over when you pass away. If all goes well, no one wants you to die too. Then it is important to keep the deceased alive. In you and the world you live in. So that you can find out and experience, in your own way, in your time, how to go on with and without them.

For a successful and lasting change, just a different mindset is not enough, your feelings, your environment and your beliefs have to change at an equal pace with you.

Ewoud Dekker MSc.

Drs Ewoud Dekker, founder and owner of Arte dell' Anima
Senior 4D-Systeem Coach, Gezondheidszorgpsycholoog, Psychotherapeut en Trainer.


Marian de Neef

Marian Dekker-de Neef, oprichter en eigenaar Arte dell’ Anima
Senior 4D-System Dialogue Coach,Hypnose Regressietherapeut, Voice-dialogue Coach en Trainer

Burnout Retreat

Again moving ahead by briefly standing still.
Say goodbye to your burnout blueprint and experience renewed Space, Power and Freedom

Relationship Retreat

Three days as the welcomed guest of the best senior experts in solving relational problems will definitely help your relationship move forward.

Personal Retreat

Certain events in your current or past life can cause you to hit a wall. A Personal Retreat can enrich your life and give it direction.

Mourning Retreat

Dealing with a loss takes time and a lot of loving attention.
We are expert in understanding those who are going through a mourning process and helping them move on

Are you interested in our retreats, or do you have a personal question? We are happy to respond to them. Send a whats-app message to Arte dell' Anima. Ewoud Dekker will get back to you as soon as possible.