Mourning & grief retreat with senior therapy and coaching

Mourning is an Art

If the feeling of loss only increases and it is hard to pick up your life and move on, it couldn’t hurt to seek professional help.

During our 5-day Mourning Retreat, we will help you restore the natural balance between loss & meaning

Feel free to contact us

 A loss will hit you in the foundation of your existence

Hervind de natuurlijke balans tussen verlies & zingeving in een rouwretraite

After the loss of someone you love you are often left with feelings of confusion and uncertainty.
It hits you in the foundation of your existence.
Loss will change you and often time will not heal your wounds.
Sometimes, the meaning of life could be a far-away concept.
Even after many years.

An unprocessed loss could cause mental and physical problems

“Time deforms all wounds,
standing still, however,
leaves them whole,
for the beauty
and the consolation.”

Ewoud Dekker

Out of sight does not mean out of heart

It will be a pleasure to welcome you to our own beautifully rural and inspiring location to offer you tailor-made mourning therapy and coaching by Senior Exports to help you consider the loss in a completely safe and sheltered environment.

In onze rouwretraite helpen we je met het herstellen van de natuurlijke balans tussen rouw, verlies & zingeving

  • In vijf inspirerende dagen op onze warme locatie word je één op één gecoacht door Senior Rouw Therapeuten
  • Omringd met aandacht en geborgenheid, kijken we naar alle stappen in je proces tot nu toe, en brengen we als eerste in beeld waar je gestagneerd bent, nu staat  en wat je nodig hebt om weer voluit te kunnen leven in jouw veranderde wereld.
  • We werken holistisch met een breed scala aan technieken zowel belevings- als verwerkingsgericht. Hierdoor ga je ervaren hoe het gemis draaglijker kan worden en ontstaat er in de nieuwe context een nieuw perspectief dat past bij jouw unieke persoon en wensen.
  • Daardoor ga je de balans herstellen tussen het ervaren gemis en het vinden van de juiste zingeving, waardoor je een stap kunt maken van overleven naar leven.
  • Uiteraard krijg je de tools mee die je nodig hebt om je nieuwe inzichten te versterken en hoort bij de retreat een nazorg traject in de vorm van een aantal telefonische consulten.

Again moving ahead by briefly standing still.


Temporarily pausing the time

It will be a pleasure to welcome you to our own beautifully rural and inspiring location to offer you tailor-made mourning therapy and coaching by Senior Exports to help you consider the loss in a completely safe and sheltered environment.

Peace and Space

Experience the atmosphere of an authentic Oldambster farm

View to the Borgerswold

Mourning is a very personal inner process of saying goodbye and reconnecting with the meaning of life

It takes time to find a new balance and move forward in your changed world.

Change your story and you will change the world

If you are aiming for a successful and permanent change, you will need more than just a different mindset. It will not last. Your feelings, emotions, the relationship with your environment or your convictions can seriously undermine your new and positive thoughts.

What you need, is that your feelings, environment and convictions change with you at an equal pace. Only that will give you the foundation you need. Head, heart, body and soul fully harmonized and balanced.

The System Coaching we developed focuses on the blueprint of your stories, convictions, cognitions and emotions.
It is a blueprint as specific as your fingerprint. Our expertise is about making a change to that blueprint, a change that is exactly right and decisive.
This will result in a permanent improvement of the four essential dimensions of your life.

Arte dell’ Anima is een gespecialiseerd Centrum voor High Level Systemische Retreats.

Iedere Rouwretraite wordt speciaal voor jou samengesteld, zodat deze past als een Italiaans maatkostuum. 

Burnout Retreat

Again moving ahead by briefly standing still.
Say goodbye to your burnout blueprint and again experience the feeling of Space, Energy and Freedom

Relationship Retreat

Three days as the welcomed guest of the best senior experts in solving relational problems will definitely help your relationship move forward.

Personal Retreat

Certain events in your current or past life can cause you to hit a wall. A Personal & professionel Retreat can enrich your life and give it direction.

Grief & Loss Retreat

Dealing with a loss takes time and a lot of loving attention.We are senior experts in understanding those who are going through a mourning process help you to move on
Heb je vragen over retreats, of een persoonlijke vraag? We beantwoorden ze graag. Stuur een whats-app bericht aan Arte dell' Anima. Ewoud Dekker neemt zo snel mogelijk contact met je op.